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(1)rare, medium,well done分别啥意思??

这些是煮牛排用的专用词. 在国外吃饭服务员都会问你要几分熟.

  rare,很生,就两面有点熟, 里面是生的
  medium rare, 大约6分, 稍微带一点点血丝
  medium, 基本熟了, 中间至少是粉红的
  well done, 8分以上熟, 没有血丝.

  根据官方的详细说法是这样的: 有7个等级, 从raw到well done.

  * Raw - Uncooked. Used in dishes like steak tartare, Carpaccio, Gored gored, tiger meat and Kitfo.

  * Blue rare or very rare - (37.8°C/100°F core temp) Cooked very quickly; the outside is seared, but the inside is usually cool and barely cooked. The steak will be red on the inside and barely warmed. Sometimes asked for as 'blood rare'. In the United States this is also sometimes referred to as 'Black and Blue' or 'Pittsburgh Rare'.

  * Rare - (48.9°C/120°F core temp) The outside is gray-brown, and the middle of the steak is red and slightly warm.

  * Medium rare - (52.2°C/126°F degrees core temp) The steak will have a fully red, warm center. Unless specified otherwise, upscale steakhouses will generally cook to at least this level.

  * Medium - (57.2°C/135°F degrees core temp) The middle of the steak is hot and red with pink surrounding the center. The outside is gray-brown.

  * Medium well done - (62.8°C/145°F degrees core temp) The meat is light pink surrounding the center.

  * Well done - (73.9°C/165°F degrees core temp) The meat is gray-brown throughout and slightly charred.

(2)rare, medium,well done分别啥意思??

well done意识是做的好


1. 中间;中庸;适中
2. 媒介物,媒体;传导体[(+for)]
3. 手段,工具[(+of)]
4. 新闻媒介,传播媒介[P1]
5. (生物的)生活环境
6. 【生】培养基
7. (艺术创作所用的)材料;(艺术的)表现方法
8. (复数为mediums)巫师,女巫
1. 中间的,中等的,适中的
2. (肉)烧得适中的,中等熟度的

(4)medium 是什么意思?它的同义词是什么?

adj. 中等的,适中的
n. 手段,媒介,媒体
average n.平均数,平均水平
middle adj.中等的,中间的;
mediocre adj. 平庸的,平凡的...
moderate adj.适度的,温和的;...
mean v.意思是,打算

有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

