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英语b级作文万能模板 大学英语b级作文必背范文

英语b级作文万能模板 大学英语b级作文必背范文


Cleaning Up Our Environment——清洁我们的环境






The sky looks grey; the rivers become black; the grass is covered with plastic bags. You will easily get your hair and shoes dirty while walking along the streets, and the air smells terrible. That is our environment now. That is the world we live in. Wherever you are, whatever you do, you can hardly escape from pollution.

But is there anything we common people can do about it Yes, there is much that we can do. We can throw rubbish not on the ground, but in garbage cans; we can help to publicize the importance of environment preservation; we can write letters to our friends on ordinary paper instead of sending cards, because 4,000 cards amount to one tree, and trees are important to better our environment. Moreover, we can encourage the government to punish the. act of pollution.

When the sky is blue again, the rivers become clean, and the grass is always green, we will live a healthier and happier life.


Does the Internet Provide Too Much for People——因特网可以给人们提供更多的东西吗






With the development of computers, the Internet has become widely used. It is just like information net that has covered the world. When a great deal of information is exchanged on the Internet almost every second, some people are worried that it provides too much for people. To know it clearly, we should look at both sides of the Internet.

On one hand, the Internet shows us a closer and wider world than ever before. When staying at home, we can get all kinds of useful information in any scientific research field whenever we need them.

Through the Internet, more and more chances are provided to improve our work, enrich our knowledge and help our country to keep up with the others. But on the other hand, the Internet also brings us many troubles. Useless information and games are sent to us unavoidably. Therefore, we may say that those people’s complaints are understandable.

Generally speaking, the Internet has played an important role in modern life. Moreover, it is like a two-edged sword. We should make the best use of one edge, and try not to be hurt by the other one.




1. 广告在生活中的作用

2. 广告的负面影响

3. 对待广告应采取什么态度


Information is spreading rapidly in today’s society. Taking a look around, you’ll find advertisements appearing everywhere. They give us the latest news of sales and much information about goods. For a company or a factory, advertising may be the most effective means to let their products known. Meanwhile, advertisements can guide the customers. They may help us a lot before we make a choice.

But sometimes, you may be misled to an unwise decision by advertisements. They exaggerate advantages that the goods may not have at all. Some credulous customers will regret having bought something of no use or of poor quality, only due to the tempting pictures and words. It is a waste of money. As a result, more and more people begin to lose their trust. The original effect of advertisements dies away.

As we know, everything has two sides. Advertisements have no exceptions. Actually advertisements help us a great deal. But at the same time, the wrong use of them brings us loss and trouble. So if all of us try our best to make good use of advertisements, we are sure that they will benefit us a lot and contribute much to the development of our society.


The World Is Becoming Smaller and Smaller——世界变得越来越小





It’s said that our world is like a village. That is to say that nowadays one can easily get in touch with other people all around the world. By plane, you can appear in other hemispheres within hours; through television you can be informed vividly and timely about all events inside and outside your country. It’s no longer a dream to see and talk to a person on the other side of the world. Therefore, the world seems to become smaller.

What makes possible communications throughout the world First, the invention of modern means of transportation contributes a lot to human activities in the world. Secondly, the application of satellite technology, which is thought of as the most significant breakthrough in human history, helps to convey signals of television and radio from one place to another. Finally, the change is also partly due to modem civilization brought about by modern industry, which has produced televisions, computers and many other useful machines.








Obviously, the press is an important means of communication and is still a popular form of communicating news. People read newspapers everywhere, in the office, at home, on the train, even in the toilet and so on. Nevertheless, the coming of TV gives a shock to the world. Suddenly, it changes many things in people’s daily life.

Nowadays TV is so popular that nearly every family has got a TV set in cities. People can watch and hear TV programs at the same time. TV programs are full of variety and viewers can enjoy news reports, plays, films, musical performances, sports, and interviews with prominent people and many other items. So TV attracts many people from the cinema, the radio and newspapers.

On the other hand, people can time and again hear criticism of TV programs. It has got too much violence and gunplay, which affects young people and even children. Watching too much TV will make people exhausted, lazy and stupid, and also waste a lot of valuable time.


Water Shortage——水资源短缺问题

1. 水的重要性。

2. 造成水资源短缺的原因。

3. 怎样缓解缺水问题及保护水资源。


People can’t imagine life without water. Without it, the earth we live on would be a dead one. There would be no trees, no crops, no animals and no people. So water is considered to be next to oxygen in importance.

Although nearly three quarters of the earth’s surface is covered with water, it is sea water and undrinkable. The demand for water is increasing, while water resources are scarce. Agricultural production needs enormous amounts of water, so does industry. Besides, the rapid growth of population makes it more and more difficult for people to survive because of the water shortage. So water shortage has become one of the most serious problems.

Fortunately, people have realized this pressing problem and are trying to find ways to salve it. First, people are urged to economize on water. Second, measures are taken to protect water resources. Third, circulating water is used for industrial purposes over and over in factories and treated sewage water is used for irrigation in farming land.


Life Is a Struggle——生命在于奋斗


1. 生命在于奋斗

2. 举例说明勇于奋斗的英雄人物

3. 作为学生,我们应该向他们学习,在知识的海洋中,奋斗不息


Life is a struggle. I shall never forget the most striking part of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem—A Psalm of Life: “In the world’s blood field of battle, In the bivouac of life, Be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife!”

Ludwig van Beethoven was a typical “hero in the strife”. He was not only one of the greatest composers, but also one of the most persevering men. As a deaf man, he went on working with his strong will in the last year of his life, though he was not able to hear his own fine and original music.

As a student, I seem to be in a boat sailing against the current. I must make an effort to forge ahead. A little carelessness will result in being driven back. Indeed, learning is a struggle against idleness and carelessness. Following the examples of Ludwig van Beethoven, I shall take great pains to urge myself on, moving steadily forward like a heroic boatman in the rough sea of knowledge.


Be an Optimist——做一个乐观的人






Do you see the glass as half-full rather than hall empty The two different answers to the question represent two different attitudes towards life—optimistic attitude and pessimistic attitude.

Optimism always leads to happiness, health and success while pessimism, by contrast, results in hopelessness, sickness and failure. That’s because optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in very different ways. When things go wrong the pessimist tends to blame himself, while the optimist looks for loop holes. The optimist feels in control of his oval life. If things are going badly, he acts quickly, looking for solutions, forming a new plan of action, and seeking for advice. On the contrary, the pessimist yields to the arrangement of fate and moves slowly. He doesn’t seek advice, since he assumes nothing can be done.

Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism. Optimism is important in all aspects of our lives. If you can change your mind from pessimism to optimism, you can change your life.


Become a Better Listener——做一个更好的倾听者






It is quite important to be a good listener. Effective listening is more than simply avoiding the bad habit of interrupting others while they are speaking. It’s being content to listen to the entire thought of someone rather than waiting impatiently for your chance to respond.

Slowing down your responses and becoming a better listener aids you in becoming a more amiable person. As you wait for the person you are communicating with to finish, as you simply listen more intently to what is being said, you will feel more relaxed, and so will the people you are talking to. Not only will being a better listener make you a more patient person, but it will also improve your relationship with others because everyone loves to talk to someone who truly listens to what they are saying.

It is quite easy for you to be a better listener. As long as you for get yourself and imagine yourself in the speaker’s experience to understand the emotion behind the words, and then give your appropriate responses slowly, you will be an endeared listener.








A punctual person is in the habit of doing things at proper time in a planned way and is always keeping his appointment. He knows that if he wants to succeed in his work and society he must observe regular or appointed time. The unpunctual mall, on the contrary, seldom does what he bas to do at the set time. If he has made an appointment with someone, he never cares about the appointed time and is likely to be late for half an hour.

Unpanetuality is very harmful. Friends sometimes grow cold to wards each other, or even become enemies, because one of them has been remiss in keeping appointments. Imagine how it would be if those who are entrusted with important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time. A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends, his classmates or colleagues.

There is a proverb which says, “There is a time for everything.” This is true. In fact time is life itself, and the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful of his time and is no doubt fond of punctuality.


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    专业技术资格评审表填写范文 专业人员等级评审表模板,专业,范文,评审,专业技术职务任职资格评审表单    位:姓    名: 现任专业技术职务:评    审任职资格:填表时间:      年    月    日中华人民共和国人事部制填表说明1、 本表供评审专业技术职务任职资格使用。1~7页由被评审填写,8~12页由人事组织部门填写。填写内容应经人事组织部门审核认可。2、 一律用钢笔或毛笔填写,内容...

  • 感悟生命作文_感悟生命作文600字


    感悟生命作文_感悟生命作文600字,生命,感悟生命作文有关热爱生命,感悟生命的作文,怎么点明中心有关热爱生命,感悟生命的作文,怎么点明中心今天,我因为扫地而回家。外面下起讥沪罐疚忒狡闺挟酣锚了倾盆大雨,狂风大作,好似整个世界都沉浸在这场雨中。  怕黑的我不由得加快步伐,忽然我朦朦胧胧地听到一两声鸟叫。我停了下来,四处看了一看,什么也没看到,除了雨还是雨。心里想:这种地方...